Spirit Squadron Middle School Cyber Team Recognized
By Capt. Mary A. Fox, CAP
Albuquerque Heights “Spirit” Composite Squadron
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M – On May 20, 2017, members of the Albuquerque Heights “Spirit” Composite Squadron CyberPatriot Middle School team was recognized as the first-place middle school team by the Air Force Association Chapter 258, at an awards ceremony held at the Marriott Hotel in Albuquerque.
New Mexico Air National Guard Adjutant General Brig. Gen. Andrew E. Salas congratulated all the cadets personally and thanked them for their involvement and their efforts to keep CyberPatriot through the study of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses. He also presented the winning cyber teams with a challenge to continue their defense of cyber terrorism, not only through training, but also by remembering the lives of all American soldiers who gave them the freedom to pursue their training.
“The ceremony was inspirational as well as informative,” said Cadet Sponsor Member Jonathan Fox, in attendance with squadron commander Capt. Mary A. Fox. “It was great to hear Gen. Salas speak. He is certainly a motivational speaker. It is also interesting to hear that in only nine years, the AFA CyberPatriot program has grown to 60 teams in New Mexico, and 4,400 teams nationally. Those are quite impressive numbers for such a critical need in our country.”
Team member Cadet Airman Sean Cuellar-Hatcher received the award on behalf of the team, as well as a challenge coin from the Air Force Association representative in attendance at the ceremony.
The middle school team consisted of team directors 2nd Lts. Tom and Carissa Nichols; mentor James Hatcher; Cadet Senior Master Sgt. John Nichols, Cadet Airman Basic Maxwell Wignall Cadet Airman Sean Cuellar-Hatcher, and Naval Sea Cadet Jasmine Nichols.
Above: New Mexico Air National Guard Adjutant General Brig. Gen Andrew E. Salas, Cadet Airman Sean Cueller-Hatcher, Mr. James Hatcher, and Air Force Association representatives Mr. James Toohey and Mr. Fred Harsany, who presented Cadet Hatcher with the CyberPatriot Middle School plaque on behalf of the squadron.(Photo: Courtesy of Mr. Jonathan Fox.)